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Apple clafoutis / Clafoutis alle mele

After winning the last Re-Cake 2.0 challenge last month with my cruffins I am not going to hide that I got a bit of an ego boost 😉 and let’s be honest, I finally found an official way to reproduce great treats that I wouldn’t normally bake based on the amount of sugar, fat and eggs. It’s once a month, it’s not going to kill anyone! This month’s challenge is a pear and chocolate clafoutis, something that my sous chef would describe as a sweet quiche. It’s very rich and filling but super duper delicious! Luckily a few changes were allowed again:

– type of fruit: no sign of decent pears here for the best part of a month, so I presume the pear season is already over. On the other hand, there is no shortage of good apples!

– type of flour: just to be in piece with my conscience I used wholegrain spelt flour

– type of sugar: I’ve run out of caster sugar, it’s tragic. I happened to find raw sugar in the cupboard though, luck was on my side!

And it was delicious 😀

Down here the recipe! (for the moment only in Italian, taken from Re-Cake 2.0 website and adapted with my changes)

(per una torta diametro 20-22)
400 g di mele
50 g di cioccolato fondente in gocce
200 ml di latte fresco
200 ml di panna fresca
2 uova
2 albumi
150 g di farina di farro integrale
125 g di zucchero di canna
1 baccello di vaniglia
burro q.b.
sale q.b.
zucchero a velo q.b.
Per prima cosa tagliate le pere a fettine e mescolatele con 25 gr di zucchero. Disponetele in una tortiera precedentemente imburrata.
In una terrina setacciate la farina, unite il restante zucchero, i semi della bacca di vaniglia e il sale.
A parte, invece, sbattete le uova con gli albumi, uniteli quindi agli ingredienti secchi e mescolate con cura. Aggiungete il latte, la panna e versate il composto sulle pere.
Cospargete con le gocce di cioccolato e infornate a 180° per 35 minuti circa.
Una volta cotto il clafoutis, lasciar intiepidire e cospargere con abbondate zucchero a velo, quindi servire.

Partecipo a Re-Cake 2.0!

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