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This weather is killing me. Fog, fog, fog and more fog – all day long. I don’t want snow on Christmas day, I want sun! All I want to do is drink tea all day, I am not even that motivated by food and I am constantly sleepy. Can this be any more depressing?
I say Indian food is the answer to everything. Spices are the one thing that keep me motivated so: more chai tea for everyone! Perhaps with some comforting Indian sweet:) Going back to one of the cook books I’ve purchased this year that makes my heart go boom boom boom every time I flick through: Bombay Lunchbox (C. Caldicott), a tiny book with lots of authentic recipes and great photography. Here’s a tea time favourite out of it, carrot halwa.
All I want to do is drink tea all day, I am not even that motivated by food and I am constantly sleepy. Can this be any more depressing?
Why do I like it? Because it’s rich, full of flavour and gives me the illusion that I am eating something 100% healthy because of the huge carrot content. Naaaaah, it’ not unhealthy at all if you ask me, although I reduced the amount of sugar used in the original recipe because I just know it would be too sweet for me otherwise. So, get your grater out and let the fun begin! And by the way, Merry Christmas!!
3 tbsp unsalted butter
50 g cashews
25 g raw almonds
250 g grated carrot
570 full-fat milk
175 g caster sugar (I used around 130 g)
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
Melt the butter in a heavy-based saucepan, add the cashews and almonds and toast until golden. Remove the nuts with a slotted spoon and put on the side. Add the grated carrot in the pan and fry until it starts to wilt. Stir in the milk and simmer until it has reduced by half. Pour in the sugar and stir until it has completely dissolved, then add the cardamom and gently simmer until the milk has completely reduced and the carrots are soft and syrupy. Stir in the toasted nuts and there you have your carrot halwa! Let it cool slightly and serve warm with a cup of chai tea <3
3 cucchiai di burro
50 g anacardi
25 g mandorle
250 g carote gratuggiate
570 ml latte intero
175 g zucchero semolato (io ne ho usati 130 g)
1/2 cucchiaino di cardamomo
Fate sciogliere il burro in una pentola a doppio fondo, aggiungete gli anacardi e le mandorle e tostatele fino a quando saranno dorate. Toglietele dalla pentola con una schiumarola e mettetele da parte. Versate le carote nella pentola e friggetele fino ad appassirle. Aggiungete il latte mescolando e fate cuocere a fiamma media fino a quando si sarà ridotto per metà. Aggiungete lo zucchero e mescolate fino a quando si sarà dissolto completamente, poi aggiungete il cardamomo e fate cuocere ancora a fiamma medio-bassa fino a quando il latte si sarà ridotto completamente e le carote avranno una consistenza morbida e sciropposa. Aggiungete gli anacardi e le mandorle che avevate messo da parte ed ecco qui l’halwa alle carote! Lasciatela raffreddare un pochino, servitela tiepid con una bella tazza di the chai <3