Writing a blog post has never seemed more difficult, after you kind of lose track it just doesn’t get any easier. It sounds just like my experience with the gym…but blogging is that tiny bit easier to stay motivated to! I am slowly getting back to my normal routine after moving house but there is just so much to do that said routine still needs some adjustments. Lots to do yes, but in a good way! Project house and project garden are just beginning 🙂
I was hoping to get a Carnival or Valentine’s Day post out but I doubt it’s going to happen, I suppose I should already focus on an Easter one as Easter is so early this year 😐 Help! Well, let’s start with this thing here that I wanted to publish some time ago but somehow never got around to. I am talking about vanilla extract. It’s the easiest thing ever and it’s something you will need if you ever want to bake a cake! I know you can buy it pre-made but I can assure that making it has a certain something. It’s like having a baby with a very short gestation period. And on top of that it gave a whole new meaning to having alcohol around in my household. Since pregnancy I have been as alcohol free as one can get and looking at those bottles of vodka on the top of the fridge always made me wonder why I hadn’t got rid of it yet. Until one day I was reading a random book I got “Kochschule” and it had a recipe for vanilla extract. 2 ingredients, let’s do it! I think the recipe had some other sort of alcohol but plain vodka works just fine!
250 ml plain vodka
2 Bourbon vanilla bean
Put the vodka in a big enough bottle or container. Place your vanilla beans on a cutting board flat side down and cut through it with a sharp knife. Scrape inside the bean and put the vanilla “caviar” inside the bottle along with the rest of the beans. Done. That’s it.
Now all you have to do is to put the bottle in your cupboard and shake it once a day every day for about 6 to 8 weeks. You are now ready to flavour everything you like with true vanilla extract!
Febbraio 12, 2016 at 15:52Evvivaaaaa! Beh, mi piace questo ritorno 🙂
Io sono un’estimatrice dell’estratto di vaniglia, eppure ancora non l’ho mai fatto. Mi toccherà provare. Peccato che a me le bottiglie di vodka non avanzino mai… ahahhaha
Febbraio 12, 2016 at 16:15Ale, dovrai trattenerti con la vodka per un po’ allora….nel peggiore dei casi ti bevi poi l’estratto! 😉
Elisa Russo
Febbraio 12, 2016 at 16:10Lo metto nella to do list. Mi sa che devo avere da qualche parte una bottiglia di vodka. Io poi ne consumo a quintalate di estratto puro. Grazie per la ricetta salva finanze ??
Febbraio 12, 2016 at 16:16Figurati Eli!! Poi fammi sapere come viene e quanto ti è rimasto nel portafoglio ahahaha
Babka | Marzia Fine Dining
Ottobre 19, 2016 at 9:47[…] Qui sotto vi lascio la ricetta originale data dallo staff Re-Cake, le uniche cose che ho variato sono la frutta secca (ho usato anacardi) e la finitura con miele e estratto di vaniglia. […]
Torta di riso / Rice cake | Marzia Fine Dining
Ottobre 19, 2016 at 16:23[…] 2 tbsp vanilla extract / 2 cucchiai di estratto alla vaniglia […]